Summary / Zusammenfassung
(Alle Dokumente siehe auch Menüpunkt Dokumente)
Derzeit sind alle Mitglieder der Allianz deutschsprachig. Aus diesem Grund ist ein Großteil der Inhalte dieser Website in deutscher Sprache verfasst.
All members of the alliance are currently speaking German. Therefore, most of the content of this website is currently published in german language.
DI Dalibor Strasky
Office of the State Government of Upper Austria
Directorate of Environment Protection
Kärtnerstraße 10-12
A-4021 Linz, Austria
E-mail: office(at)
The Alliance can be joined by all regions, which share the objectives outlined in the Joint Declaration. It has now grown to 16 regions from three EU member states, supported by Luxembourg and the “Cities for a nuclear free Europe” (CNFE) Network.